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The Art of the Deal

Welcome to The Art of the Deal, a game mode where you will need to plan, negotiate, bribe, and backstab if you wish to become the winning faction. This game mode has specific mechanics and rules that you need to familiarize with before playing, so read below - this article is not exhaustive, it only takes a few minutes. Not knowing the rules because you haven’t read them before playing isn’t a valid excuse if you’re caught breaking them.

The Factions

There are four companies in the game mode:

  • Goldstein Solutions, known as the yellow team, with its base being on the North-West part of the map. Phone number: 4444
  • Kogama Kraftsmen, known as the green team, with its base being on the South-West part of the map. Phone number: 3333
  • Giovanni Blu Stocks, known as the blue team, with its base being on the North-East part of the map. Phone number: 2222
  • Rednikov Industries, known as the red team, with its base being on the South-East part of the map. Phone number: 1111

In some rounds, the Police might be active. The Police station is near the center of the map - see The Art of the Deal#The Police for their specific mechanics.

There are also Paramedics. They have a fully furnished hospital and ambulances. Be aware that killing a paramedic will greatly reduce your faction’s score! Both the Police and Paramedics can be reached by calling 911.


The HQ

Each company headquarters features a meeting room, an armory/storage room, a vault, a common area, and a garage. Below is a screenshot of the Red Corporation’s HQ - all others have a similar layout.

Red HQ

Meeting Room

This is where the team members spawn. Players should take some time before the grace wall ends to plan their strategy. There is a wall map that can be used to check which areas to go to.


At every company’s HQ there is a storage room with equipment racks. While the equipment is free, you will have to spend some of the company money to buy weapons at the gun shop or on the DEEPNET.


The vault is where your team’s starting disks are located. The vault is where money should be deposited to keep it safe. Team leaders should make sure the money is spent appropriately.

The Map

The map is divided into 10 columns from A to J, and 10 lines from 1 to

  1. Each square has 22x22 tiles. You can check your current position on the top of the screen, along with the coordinates. At the HQ, there is a wall map that can be used for planning during the briefing: this map can be drawn on. Players also spawn with a portable map.


Radios and Phones

Each person spawns with a single-frequency radio tuned to that factions frequency. It can be used to securely talk with their fellow faction members. You will need another faction’s radio to listen to their frequency.

Company Telephones can be used to contact 911 or other companies. The numbers are pre-stored in the address book of the static phones at the HQ.

CEO have a personal cellular phone at their disposal.


Each base has computers that can be used to access the black market (DEEPNET), the E-LEKTRA store and to send e-mails to other companies. Each company has a general e-mail, as described below, but each member also has a personal e-mail. When you login you can see all the personal and global e-mails.

Company HQ Phone Global E-mail
Rednikov Industries 1111
Kogama Kraftsmen 2222
Giovanni Blu Stocks 3333
Goldstein Solutions 4444


Each company starts with several real and fake disks. Only the company who produced the disk can check if it is real or not by examining the disk!

Disks also have active and inactive states. To activate a disk, you need to touch it with another faction’s disk, for example, during an exchange. Disks can only be activated once. You can check if a disk is active by examining it.

To read a disk, put it into the computer at the HQ. What you get for it depends on three factors: 1) if the disk is real, 2) if it is active, and 3) if it was exchanged (activated) with a real or fake disk.

Reading an inactive disk:

  • If real, you gain 100 dollars and 100 points.
  • If fake, you lose 100 points.

Reading an active disk:

A↓ B→ Real Fake
Real Both give $200 & 200 pts Real gives $500 & 500 pts
Fake Real gives $500 & 500 pts Both lose 400 pts

Manufacturing chips (components)

Each company has a factory area that can be used to produce electronic components (chips). They need a specific precursor crystal to produce their faction-specific component, that must be acquired from other companies - They will also be able to order a precursor needed for another company to manufacture their proprietary component.

To produce, use the crystals on the loader part of the machine and wait about 1 minute.

Example: Red needs Yellow chips, so Red buys yellow precursor crystals and makes a deal with Yellow, they trade the precursor and cash for chips. Yellow then takes the yellow precursor and manufactures yellow chips. Yellow then gives back the yellow chips to Red (or not).

The company will receive e-mails with orders for components regularly, so be sure to check the desktop computer. Each order will feature a postbox location where the products are to be delivered in the correct amount. The payment will be delivered directly to the safe at the company’s HQ.

Precursors (crystals) can be ordered from the E-LEKTRA marketplace on each desktop.

Company Precursor Needed Chip Produced
Red crimsonite crystals RDKV S-445 chip
Green verdine crystals KOGM S5R1 chip
Yellow galdonium crystals GS-IC-M3 chip
Blue indigon crystals GBSA-1994 chip


Do not drive a vehicle without knowing how, make sure you drive on the right side of the road! Vehicles can be bought at the car dealership in the center. Be aware that driving stolen cars will get you a warrant!


There are two ways of acquiring guns - legal and illegal.

To get them legally: go to the Police Station with 100 dollars and use the terminal at the reception. You need to have the money in your hands when ordering it. You will need to have a clean police record. Then you can go to the gun store and buy them.

To get them illegally, you will need to either buy them from another company, get someone to buy them for you, or find a black market vendor. Be aware that unregistered guns with their numbers filed out are illegal to possess even when you have a gun permit.

Citizen’s Arrest

You can arrest a member of another company who has a pending warrant. Bring him handcuffed/roped to the station and use the terminal near the reception. You will get paid 100 dollars.

The Police

The police is in charge of making sure everyone follows the law. Check The Art of the Deal#Rules for which laws can be enforced.

The Station

Police Station

Main Room

This is where the team members spawn. Players should take some time before the grace wall ends to plan their strategy. Each member spawns with a map that can be used to check which areas to go to.


The Police armory has plenty of equipment available for free for all the members of the force. Other factions can’t access the lockers.

Evidence Room

This is where the Police should keep apprehended money, unlicensed guns, and disks. They will count towards the score as long as they’re there.


If the police manage to arrest a faction member, they should be brought here. Sit them in the bench next to the terminal, and use it to check for warrants. If the suspect has pending warrants, it will automatically clear them and give the Police points, so they can be released.


The Police Department has two starting police interceptors below the police station, this zone is not available to the public and anyone trespassing should be detained and booked.

The Map

See The Art of the Deal#The Map.


Police radios are single-frequency and encrypted, meaning that other factions cannot listen to police communications unless they manage to get one of their radios.

Police Codes

As an officer, you can use police codes for fast broadcasting. It will be automatically converted to plaintext. Just use the radio prefix followed by the code, for example, “;10-4” for affirmative.

Code Meaning
10-0 On my way (show current location)
10-1 Share Location
10-2 Report in as being available
10-3 Report in as being busy
10-4 Affirmative / Roger
10-5 Negative / Impossible
10-6 Returning to the Police Station
10-7 Prisoner in custody / Arrested suspect
10-8 Request immediate assistance / Officer injured - All non-busy units should answer with a 10-0 and proceed to location (shows current location)
10-9 Officer down, all units should answer with a 10-0 and proceed to location (shows current location) - This is automatically sent if an officer gets killed, no need for manual input, use 10-8 instead.

Going Undercover

As a police officer, you can go undercover by switching into civilian clothes (available at the armory) and toggling the undercover mode under the IC tab. Make sure to bring your badge in case you get detained.

Objectives and Rules

Each faction has different objectives that will count towards the score.


Each company must acquire as much money as possible. Dead members will reduce the score. Money must be stored in the safe. To see how the disk conversion to money works, check The Art of the Deal#Disks. Attacking Police Officers should be avoided at all costs, as it will reduce the company’s points and give the police reason to search the HQ!

Score Values:

Money 1$ = 1 pt
Dead Members -100 pts
Killed Police Officer -250 pts
Killed Paramedic -500 pts


The police get points for arresting company members after bringing them to jail at the police station, after processing their warrant. They will lose points for every officer killed. Apprehended disks and money also count towards the score, and are to be kept in the Evidence Room in order to take effect. Crystals and chips are legal and are not considered contraband.


Escalation is required for any role when they are attacking another role with the exception of Police Officers when they are enforcing the law, only. Paramedics, Doctors, Nurses may only defend themselves and are to rely on the protection of the Police.

The police has the right to stop and search any person with reasonable suspicion and/or solid evidence of a crime. A police dog indicating contraband on a person in a public area is valid grounds for a search. Vehicles may be searched at all times without probable cause, including setting up road blocks to search all traffic coming through. Company’s properties are exempt from this rule, as a search can only be conducted if there is a search warrant, issued either automatically when a company harms or kills a police officer, or by a Judge.

Police officers must prioritize non-lethal force at all times. Fleeing suspects may not be shot if they aren’t hostile.

  • is discharging a firearm towards another person;
  • is attempting to run over another person;
  • attempts to fire at, run over, or physically harm a police officer;
  • is armed with firearms, explosives, knives, or other dangerous weapons and refuses to disarm, or be disarmed, upon request by an officer;
  • is armed and is about to discharge their firearm or use any dangerous weapon at another person. (Judged within reason and the circumstances.)
  • is actively engaged in a violent assault on another person, posing an immediate threat to that person’s life.
  • is involved in a hostage situation where the life of an innocent person is in imminent danger.
  • is found to be in possession of a deadly weapon, and there is an immediate threat to the safety of others.
  • is part of an ongoing and violent criminal activity that requires police intervention to protect the public.
  • refuses to comply with lawful police orders and poses a significant risk to the safety of officers or the public.

A police officer has the authority to arrest a suspect if they:

  • are openly carrying offensive weapons without a license, such as firearms, explosives, or silencers, or are discovered to be in possession of them while being searched;
  • are in possession of a disk of any company, even their own regardless of state (active or not);
  • are trespassing on the property of another company, as certified by a member of that company;
  • are trespassing within the restricted area of the police station (anything after a warning stripe mark);
  • are trespassing inside a publically prohibited area of a government building;
  • have police equipment such as police armor, police weapons, and police keys, as well as police radios;
  • have stolen things on their person;
  • having an active arrest warrant; or were previously fleeing from police.

Should a suspect flee from law enforcement and enter their workplace, entrance may be forced; otherwise, a search warrant is required.

The following items may be confiscated, without an arrest being necessary:

  • a vehicle being driven by a member of another faction, if claimed as stolen by the owner;
  • possession of more than 500$ in cash.
  • any offensive weapons, including firearms, explosives, or silencers found in the possession of an individual, with or without an arrest.
  • any equipment or items associated with illicit activities, as determined by a police officer, including but not limited to shovels, knives, clawhammers.

Suspects in confinement have the right to food and medical care while in custody. Within reason and if security measures allow it, a suspect in confinement may request legal representation from a genuine attorney (for the time being, a “Legitimate Businessman”) and confer with them. In that regard, privacy is not guaranteed and is at the discretion of the police. Only if the attorney interferes with police work will they be prosecuted for Obstruction of Justice.

Suspects can be bailed out of jail for nonviolent crimes for a fee of 500$ or a reasonable amount set by the sheriff. This amount is to be paid in cash at the station and stored in the Evidence room. In the case of violent crimes, a suspect may be released after some time on the Sheriff’s responsibility or on a court order from the Judge (or on an administrative request).

Breaking the above rules will result in penalty points and, at the discretion of an admin, job bans up to and including a playing ban.

Score Values:

Company’s Disks 300 pts
Processed Warrants 300 pts
Citizen’s Arrest Warrants 100 pts
Money 1$ = 1 pts
Dead Officers -150 pts

Round Example

The Red team contacts all the other teams to sell their disk. Green and Blue are interested. Blue offers more money, so they decide to go with them; however, Red decides to double-cross the Green team, scheduling a meeting near the gas station and warning the police about it.

Blue and Red successfully trade a disk for 400$. Meanwhile, the police show up and manage to arrest one of the green company members, while the rest of the team gets away.

The Green team contacts the Police in order to bail out their member: They offer 350$. The Police accept and both schedule a meeting to deliver the money.

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