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Gulag RP


It is the year 1946, one year after the end of WW2, when the Soviets captured you from the battlefield as you surrendered or were forcibly taken away from your homeland. You were taken to a distant location in the middle of nowhere, in Siberia, and you can’t recall your journey as you almost froze to death in the cargo train wagon. The camp is guarded by heavily armed personnel from the nkvd and there’s barely any settlements to be seen in the distance, nor signs of human life. Only a dim light above the barbed fence can be seen through the thick layer of fog and frost. As you look closer, there’s a sign indicating: “Gulag”.

Welcome to Gulag

Gulag is a HRP map where you take the role of either a prisoner or a camp guard (whitelisted). The prisoners are divided into 3 factions, based on ethnicity: Germans, Poles and Ukrainians. Each prisoner has an assigned role: Kitchen staff, Nurse, Janitor or Miner, which can be recognized by the color of the armband the prisoner is wearing. The goal for each faction is to work as a team to gain as much rubles as possible (faction score is calculated by the amount of rubles present in each prisoner’s pockets), through diverse activities in the camp, legal or not. Prisoners can also spend their rubles in the vendors located under the bathrooms. Guards must operate the mining area and export the ores (through the export book located in the hangar) prospected by the prisoners in order to generate score for their faction, while keeping law and order in the camp. For each ore exported there’s an amount of rubles given, which can be used to pay the prisoners (or be exchanged for favors).

Always Remember: Rioting before the 30 minutes mark is a bannable offense! You’re also expected to escalate properly in every conflict. Check the General Rules section of the wiki to see a good example of escalation.

Guards Guidelines and Regulations:

As a guard, you’re equipped with the necessary tools to bring order and discipline among the prisoners.

In your belt, you’ll find:

  • A whistle to alarm other guards and prisoners.
  • A pair of handcuffs for detaining prisoners.
  • A pair of binoculars which is useful for people who’s assigned to watchtowers.
  • A sturdy baton that immediately put prisoners to the ground once they took a hit or two.
  • A roll of bint to provide first-aid for yourself, your comrades and, at last, the inmates.

Additional equipment such as flashlights can be found in the tool shed (south of the Guard Medical Area). More advanced equipment can be distributed by supervisors and/or the camp commander. Do not hesitate to stock up on xylil bromide grenades as they are an effective method to subdue prisoners.

All firearms must remain OUTSIDE of the prison area! Failure to follow this protocol as a guard is a valid reason for a demotion/discharge/execution.

Now that you are equipped and ready, here are the things you can do as guard to ensure safety and enforce forced labor amongst the prisoners:

Killing a prisoner for their rubles is OOCly punishable.

  • This is considered as RDM and greatly frowned upon by the community and thus, you should avoid this. Similarly, Prisoners can bribe you to let them go, be freed from the containment cell and lastly, being supplied with foods or medicine.

Maintain absolute peace, discipline and order among the inmates.

  • Punish them accordingly to the crime they have committed. Avoid executions at all costs (only if it’s an absolute necessity) as it’s one less worker for your camp.

If it’s time for work, then EVERYONE should work.

  • There should be no prisoners roaming around without doing nothing. Everyone has an assigned role and should fulfill their duties.

A lone guard is a dead guard. Always have a patrol partner inside the prison area.

  • You must always have a partner to patrol with you around the gulag. Gulag is a nasty and opportunistic place where anything is possible to happen, never go alone or prisoners might just beat you up for your keys and equipment.

Food is a necessity for the inmates.

  • A well-fed inmate will have better performance and compliance than a malnourished one. Do not let cannibalism be an option for the prisoners.

A dead prisoner is a liability for the Motherland.

  • Prevent fights, do inspections, confiscate contraband, treat injured/sick inmates. This is the minimum you can do to prevent death in the camp. However, keep a rational use of equipment. Do not waste too much medical equipment on a dying prisoner.

Mining Protocols

Before Mining

  • Make sure to keep a list of every equipment that can be found inside the mining closets as well as what can be found in the mining shaft.
  • Take note of who goes in and out of the mining facility by taking their ID before they go downwards, then hand it back over as soon as they are finished mining.
  • Make sure no one tries to escape by performing regular checks in the mine. Bring at least two other guards with you and have a gas grenade ready (do not forget to put on your gasmask!).
  • Ores can be melted into ingots, make sure no one tries to make a weapon out of it. If they do, confiscate and punish the perpetrator accordingly.
  • Collected ores are to be put in the mining cart which has to be pushed into the hangar for exports. Place the ore stack on the export book to recieve points and money.

After Mining

  • One by one, prisoners should hand over ALL of their mining equipment to be put back in the lockers and be FULLY searched for anything that they may have taken out of the mines.
  • Once a prisoner is clear, they should recieve a payment for their work. Money recieved from the ore exports has to be used for this. However, do not overpay a prisoner.
  • Do not forget to hand back over the inmate’s ID.
  • If there is some missing equipment in the lockers then inform your higher-ups so they can perform an immediate inspection of the prisoner area.

Cafeteria Protocols

  • Food rations have to be given regularly to the kitchen staff. However, higher-ups can decide to reduce or temporarily suspend its distribution.
  • ONLY kitchen staff may be in the kitchen area, delimited by a warning strip on the floor.
  • Cannibalism should be immediately punished and food containing human meat must be disposed in order to avoid sickness.
  • The cafeteria should remain clean at all times, you do not want fecal matter or bacteria in the food.
  • It is possible to ask for money for the distributed food, however it’s severly discouraged. Guards who are doing this may be caught by the higher-ups and be demoted/discharged for corruption.

Prisoner’s Guide to Gulag

Your goal is not to escape, kill guards, or kill other fellow prisoners (even if they are from a different faction), but instead focus on getting more money for your team.

Your goal is to gather as many rubles as possible.

There’s plenty of ways to earn them:

  1. Mining
    • Mining is easy but the price of your hard work is easily manipulated by the guards on duty. Regardless, prisoners are expected to be paid. If the guards don’t pay, try to get ahold of a camp supervisor or commander.
  2. Underground Fight Club
    • What goes on in the fight club stays in the fight club. Make sure to not kill any of your opponents and stay humble and honorable. A surrendered opponent shouldn’t be killed. Observers shouldn’t intervene.
  3. Services
    • There’s a lot of services that can be offered to prisoners. Some of these include medical services, food services, cleaning services, farming services, “protection services”.

This is for the prisoners only. Remember, the best way to enjoy the round is acting accordingly and appropriately to the setting.

Escape is not advised nor is it a wise thing to do as you’re in the middle of nowhere, far from civilization…

Collaborators are a whitelisted role, they must keep their role secret from the other prisoners. Guards are to protect their identity as well and should reward them for useful information. Other prisoners may be agressive towards them, especially for snitching out. However, killing them should be avoided.

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