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Guide to Character

“Know thyself.”
The Delphic maxim

What is a 2D spessman civilizer, if not a bunch of pixels with loads of code behind it dictating the way it runs around, builds and crafts stuff, and whacks other civilizers?

What is a human being, if not a sum of their physical abilities and mental faculties? The knowledge of one’s strengths and weaknesses, the awareness of the workings of the body and the psyche pave the road to the ultimate ideal - steamrolling whatever the world throws at you.

Character tab

Go the Character tab on the right panel. There you will see various info about your character, including:

  • stamina level;
  • civilization and religion to which you belong, if any;
  • current epoch;
  • skill levels (stats).


The “standard” maximum level of a skill is 2.5, but it may be higher with the excellent mood bonus and additional trait bonuses (for instance, excellent mood and the Gigantism trait provide strength of 4.3125). On the contrary, bad mood decreases skill levels (for instance, with the horrible mood 2.5 becomes 2.0).

Skills are trained by various activities and by reading scientific literature on respective subjects (skill books - slates, scrolls and books, depending on the epoch). The literature written by a character with a higher skill level grants a larger skill boost to the reader. You can only read literature written by others, not by yourself!

P.S. 20 is a lie, it is 2.0

Skill Affects Trained by
Strength - Melee damage
- Mining and woodcutting speed
- Mining
- Woodcutting
- Melee fights
Crafting - Ability to craft certain items
- Ability to use certain workbenches
- Ability to create firearm blueprints
- Crafting speed
- Quality of produced weapons
- Crafting anything
Rifle - Chance to hit a target with a rifle - Shooting targets with a rifle (not necessarily practice ones)
Dexterity - Chance to dodge a melee attack
- Increases movement speed
- Dodging melee attacks (see Combat section)
- Melee fights
Swords - Damage when fighting with a sword - Practicing sword fights with people and training dummies
Pistol - Chance to hit a target with a pistol - Shooting targets with a pistol
Bows - Chance to hit a target with a bow - Pincushioning targets with arrows
Medical - Extra healing bonus when using healing items
- Ability to perform surgeries at all, success chance during a surgery step
- Performing surgeries on people (not necessarily living)
Philosophy - Ability to found a religion
- Ability to write language books
- Writing and reading scientific literature
Machine gun - Chance to hit a target with a machine gun - Pumping targets full of lead
Farming - Ability to check plants’ water level
- Ploughing speed
- Planting seeds
- Ploughing fields
Throwing - Chance to hit a target with throwing weapons - Throw weapons designed for throwing


You can select traits on the character setup screen before spawning. Positive (advantageous) traits have to be balanced with negative (disadvantageous) traits. Selecting a trait gives the description of its effects.


There may be more than one ethnicity on a given map, and each ethnicity speaks its own language. On some maps you can choose who you spawn as, which, basically, equals to choosing a starting language. On others spawning is random. Furthermore, on some maps you can choose two languages at the start, a “primary” (also determines ethnicity) and a “secondary” one.

You can learn a new language by listening to it being spoken by others (first option, takes about 20-30 minutes of continuous listening in total; learning progress is saved). Some languages, for example, German and Dutch, have a degree of mutual similarity, so that a speaker of one language have some initial grasp of the other and can learn it faster.

As you learn a new language, your will start understanding more and more of it.

Another option is reading a suitable language book. You can write one if you know at least two languages and have 1.35 of the philosophy skill.

The IC tab has the following commands regarding languages: Check Default Language, Check Known Languages and Set Default Language.


You can alter your combat behaviour with the following options:

from left to right, tactics, mode and secondary attack.


Aim - increases accuracy by 10%

Charge - increases melee damage by 10%

Defend - increases the chance to parry or dodge by 20%

Rush - reduces the melee weapon cooldown by 15%

Click the icon to switch or use the N hotkey in the hotkeys mode.


Dodge - focuses on dodging melee attacks rather than parrying. Good when you have a small weapon or fight without a shield. Influenced by the dexterity skill.

Parry - focuses on parrying melee attacks rather than dodging. Works better when you use a shield or a larger weapon.

Secondary attack

Bite - when there are no other options.

Kick - when the enemy thinks handcuffing you is enough.

Jump - when the enemy thinks you are cornered (maximum jumping distance is 2 tiles).

These are tied to the middle mouse button. Could be switched with the U hotkey in the hotkeys mode.

Pulling punches

Allows sparring without beating each other to a bloody pulp. On the IC tab, click “Pulling punches” - now you will not harm an opponent when attacking them unarmed. Click again to stop pulling punches.

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