Skill level | Unlocks |
1 | Crafting: locked doors |
1.1 | Crafting: walls well |
1.25 | Crafting: fire lance moai long moai monumental sandstone obelisk monumental stone megalith |
1.35 | Crafting: motorcycle frame fuel pump hand cannon dragoon helmet monumental crucero cross stone statue sandstone statue grandfather clock |
1.5 | Using: gunsmithing bench (only with a blueprint) |
1.55 | Crafting: arquebus matchlock musket monumental stone pillar monumental ominous statue of the deep-one monumental ominous statue of the evil-one monumental ominous statue of the outsider monumental stone buddha monumental saint statue |
1.7 | Using: anvils |
1.8 | Crafting: cannon catapult spadroon bronze arming sword bronze small sword copper small sword |
1.9 | Crafting: locomotive |
2 | Crafting: paintings monumental marble statue of venus monumental bronze statue of karl marx |
2.2 | Crafting: electronic circuits |
2.5 | Crafting: gun blueprint (at the gunsmithing bench) |
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