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  1. Colony Building RP

Colony Building RP

Here you still follow most of the rules of nomads save for all the faction warring etc. since they can’t happen. This is an HRP map, grey tiding and meming shittery will not be tolerated. There are an assortment of jobs available, however don’t choose an important one if you’re just gonna go SSD after 5 minutes. Thats how you get job banned. Here’s a table of these jobs.

Job Title Desc Difficulty Image
Governor Lead and organize the colony! You are in charge of the treasury, communications with other colonies and organizing the town guard. You should establish a good trade and economy, or try to, via importing and exporting materials. Make sure you write some laws about weaponry and keep the streets safe and organized! You should restrict buildings to the Architect’s approval. Hard image
Head Architect Direct the carpenters to work on buildings, plan out your building layouts, yell at that basic colonist who used all the resources to make his house, and argue with the governor about everything. Almost Impossible image
Head Colony Security You are in charge of all the Guards in the colony. You’re job is to organize them and bring law to the streets, and enforce whatever laws the Governor writes up. Do not enforce laws like weapon prohibition when it’s not written, only capital crimes such as murder and theft. If the Governor is a dictator, rally your men and revolt! Just make sure the colony is peaceful. Hard image
Colony Security You’re job is to organize them and bring law to the streets, and enforce whatever laws the Governor writes up. Do not enforce laws like weapon prohibition when it’s not written, only capital crimes such as murder and theft. You must follow the orders of your superiors unless you don’t agree with their orders (such as kill innocent colonists). Moderately Hard image
Merchant Sell the colony goods and make profit to buy more goods such as cows, chickens, seeds etc. Don’t trust him though as he can be very (((sneaky))) around ungas. Medium image
Carpenter Gather wood, make roads, and build buildings. You should always take orders from the architect as he is experienced in this profession! Easy image
Farmer Help the colony by producing cash crops that the merchant can sell, milk the cows and feed the chickens seeds, and generally be the colony’s most useful asset if played correctly! DON’T BUILD RIGHT IN THE MAIN COLONY, ESPECIALLY NEXT TO THE FIELD! Easy image
Blacksmith Your job is to take orders from the watch and make guns, swords, or ammunition for them, or even civilians if authorized by the Governor. Be careful, it’s best to keep the Colonists unarmed! Might prevent an uprising. Easy image
Priest Spread the word of God, run around and call people heretics, get the carpenters to make you a church, and hag the governor that he’s straying from God’s path. Easy image
Basic Colonist Create your story and background, help around the colony, and find yourself an occupation for your character to be known for. Easiest image
Colony Medic You’re in charge of keeping everyone in the colony healthy, ranging from surgery, to bandaging a booboo, or even treating those sick with the flu. You’re their caretaker, whether you charge for your services or not. Moderately Hard image
Inn Keeper You must build and inn with rooms to stay (at least 4) and charge them a fee for staying there. Probably best that it acts as a diner/tavern too, but thats up to you and the carpenter you commission. Almost Impossible to fuck up image

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